Mark Sellors


Board member

Mark Sellors has spent his career helping others get the most from technology.

A life-long technologist, Mark has worked with some of the biggest and most recognisable names in industry and national government around the world. He has designed and implemented analytical computing environments, helped organisations adopt best practices for data science, software development and deployment, and managed teams of engineers.

Mark has worked in data-centric roles for the past 15 years, spending a little over half of that time in consulting organisations, helping a global roster of clients in the private and public sectors work more effectively with data to solve some of the most important challenges in medicine, finance and public policy.

In 2016 Mark founded a highly successful Data Engineering practice within a UK based data science consulting company. He founded the Data Engineering London meetup group and grew it to over 1000 members.

He is also a regular speaker at industry conferences; often to be found espousing the virtues of data science providing real and immediate business impact through integration with robust engineering practices and management.

Mark Currently works as a Solutions Engineer for RStudio, helping their global client base adopt tools and best practices for serious data science.

BoardCaitlin Milne